Other Female Health Concerns
Endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial-like tissue grows outside the uterus. This can cause significant back or pelvic pain, menstrual dysfunction and disruption to daily life and activity. Physiotherapy can help manage pain and guide you in the most appropriate rehabilitation and exercise plan to improve symptoms and allow you to get back to doing what you love.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is a common hormonal condition that can affect women of any age, but often starts during adolescents. Symptoms can include pelvic pain, irregular periods, acne, excessive hair growth, weight gain or difficulty losing weight. The exact causes of PCOS are not well understood but symptoms can be significantly improved through lifestyle modifications, dietary considerations and exercise. Along with your Physiotherapist, you can identify some factors that may be contributing and address them with a structured management plan.

Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) or low energy availability (LEA)
RED-S or LEA occurs when our energy intake does not meet our energy expenditure, i.e. if you are not fueling enough for the activities you are doing. This can be associated with symptoms such as loss of period, gut issues, fatigue, loss of power/strength and slow/poor recovery post exercise. This often occurs to females who have increased their training load significantly or are taking part in certain sports/activities, for example running or gymnastics. A Physiotherapist can identify subtle signs that you may be at risk of or are experiencing this issue and help to create a plan to keep you active while addressing your energy requirements